Omgevingswet en activiteiten met GGO's 11-12-2024 Omgevingswet en activiteiten met GGO'sPDF | 1,20 MB
Handreiking voor het Wabo-bevoegd gezag 26-06-2024 Handreiking voor het Wabo-bevoegd gezag PDF | 414,12 kB
The Dutch GMO Application Process in Short 11-06-2024 The Dutch GMO Application Process in ShortPDF | 141,68 kB
6 Internal organization for GMO activities under contained use TG 05-06-2024 6 Internal organization for GMO activities under contained use TGPDF | 95,16 kB
4 Procedures for GMO activities under contained use TG 05-06-2024 4 Procedures for GMO activities under contained use TGPDF | 72,90 kB
2 Description of the areas of responsibility TG 05-06-2024 2 Description of the areas of responsibility TGPDF | 66,82 kB
1 Functions and tasks of the organizations involved in securing the safe handling of GMOS TG 05-06-2024 1 Functions and tasks of the organizations involved in securing the safe handling of GMOS TGPDF | 170,02 kB